Panoramo di Lasso! (Opening concert)

Panoramo di Lasso! (Opening concert)

3. May 2024 – 20:00

Whether it’s masterful Romantic-era songs, folk tunes from around the globe, whimsical verses, or magnificent religious compositions, the musical repertoire of amarcord from Leipzig is as expansive as the atlas of their festival. Orlando di Lasso’s works, however, hold a special place in their repertoire, probably more so than any other composer. In what will be their third programme during a cappella Leipzig dedicated to this Princeps Musicorum (‘prince of musicians’), amarcord will present an eclectic mix of both secular and sacred pieces at the 24th festival. This portrait of Lassus will showcase, among other works, his appealing parody masses. From enchanting madrigals to Lassus’s profound compositions for religious masses, amarcord promises an irresistibly enticing blend of music.


With the following pictures from our festival photographers, we invite you to look back on the concert evening and immerse yourself in the concert experience once again. You can also find a review of the concert in German on the corresponding German page. You are welcome to change the language of the page by selecting it in the top right-hand corner of the page.